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E-mail: | hbydby@126.com |
齒輪箱潤滑油泵采用3gr70*3w21三螺杆泵配18.5kw-4電機 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
發布時(shí)間:2015-3-5 10:15:36 點擊(jī)次數: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
油品的顔(yá)色,往往可以(yǐ)反映(yìng)其精制程度和穩定性。對于基礎油(yóu)來說(shuō),一般精制程度越高,其烴的氧(yǎng)化物和硫化物脫除的越幹淨,顔色也就越淺。但是,即使精制的條件相(xiàng)同,不同油源和基屬(shǔ)的原油所生産的基礎油,其顔(yá)色和透明度也可能是不相同(tóng)的。 對于新的成品潤滑油(yóu),由于(yú)添加劑的使用,顔色作為判斷基礎油精制程度高低的指标(biāo)已失去了它(tā)原來的意義。 密度(dù):密度是潤(rùn)滑油最簡單、最常用的物理(lǐ)性能指标(biāo)。潤滑油的密(mì)度随其組成中含碳(tàn)、氧、硫的數量的增加而增大,因而在同樣(yàng)粘度或同樣相對分子質量的(de)情況下,含(hán)芳烴多的,含膠質(zhì)和瀝青質多的潤(rùn)滑油密度最大,含環烷烴多的居中,含烷烴多的最小。 粘度 粘度反映油品(pǐn)的内摩(mó)擦力,是表(biǎo)示油品油性和流動性(xìng)的一項指标。在未(wèi)加任何功能添(tiān)加劑的前提下,粘度越大,油膜強度(dù)越高,流動性越差。 粘度指數:粘度指數表示油品粘度随溫度變化的程度。粘度指數越(yuè)高,表(biǎo)示油品粘度受溫度的影響越小,其(qí)粘(zhān)溫性能越好,反(fǎn)之越差。 用來輸送(sòng)溫度(dù)≤150℃、粘度3-760cSt、不含固(gù)體顆粒、無腐蝕性(xìng)、具有潤滑性能的介質。适用壓力範圍:0.6-2.5Mpa;适用流量範圍:0.6-123m3/h。主要應用于(yú)燃油輸送、液壓工程、船舶(bó)工程,石化及其他工業。Used to transfer temperature 150 ℃, the viscosity of 3 or less - 760 CST, not containing solid particles,non-corrosive, has the lubrication performance of the medium.Apply pressure range: 0.6 to 2.5 Mpa;Applicable flow range: 0.6-123 m3 / h.Mainly used in the fuel transfer, hydraulic engineering, Marine engineering, petrochemical and other industries. 應用範圍:1、介質為直線連續輸送、無攪(jiǎo)拌、無脈動。2、振動小,噪音低。3、壓力高、效率高。4、結構簡單、拆裝方便。5、體積小,重量輕。6、磨損輕微,壽命長。Application scope: 1, medium for linear continuous transmission, without stirring, without pulsation.2, small vibration, low noise.3, high pressure and high efficiency.4, simple structure, convenient tear open outfit.5, small volume, light weight.6, wear light, long service life. 3G型三螺杆泵是轉子型容積泵,适于輸送各種不含固體顆粒,無腐蝕性油類及類似油的(de)潤(rùn)滑性液體、輸送液體粘度2~760mm2/s,溫度不超(chāo)過80℃, 超過80℃可用高溫泵3GW型(xíng)。3 g type is three screw pump rotor type positive displacement pump, is suitable for conveying various not containing solid particles, non-corrosive oil lubricity and similar oil liquid, conveying liquid viscosity was 2 to 760 / s, temperature not over 80 ℃, more than 80 ℃ high temperature pump available 3 gw type. 3G型三螺杆具(jù)有多種結構(gòu),一般小流量泵襯套和泵體合為一個,可(kě)以卧式和立(lì)式安裝。進油口方向可(kě)相隔90°任意安裝,軸封多數為(wéi)機構密封。中等流量以(yǐ)上泵,襯套(tào)為一個單獨的零件固定于泵體内,螺杆軸端裝有平衡環以液(yè)力(lì)平衡其軸向力(lì)。一般結構為卧式。進油口方向亦可以相隔90°任意安裝。改變泵(bèng)體後可制(zhì)成立式。軸封根據情況有機(jī)械密封和軟填料密封(fēng)兩種結構。Three screw with multiple structure of 3 g, general small flow pump bushings and pump body into one, can be installed in a horizontal and vertical.Oil inlet direction can be 90 ° apart any installation, most of the shaft sealing seal for your organization.The medium flow in pump, bushing as a separate component fixed in the pump body, screw shaft end is equipped with the gimbal ring to hydraulic balance the axial force.The general structure is horizontal.Inlet direction also can be 90 ° apart any installation.After the change of pump body can be made into vertical.Depending on the situation of the shaft sealing with mechanical seal and soft packing seal two structures. 3G型三螺杆泵軸伸支承較小,應由原動機經彈性聯軸器直接驅動,不得(dé)用皮帶輪等(děng)會産生額外徑向力較大的傳動方式(shì)傳動。3 g type three-screw pump shaft and bearing is small, should be driven by a prime mover directly by the elastic coupling, shall not be used pulley will produce additional radial force large transmission way. 輸送(sòng)各種油類(lèi)時應注(zhù)意事項:When conveying various oil matters should be paid attention to: 1、輸送40~150mm2/s的油類最合适,允許(xǔ)按泵(bèng)的最高工作壓(yā)力使(shǐ)用。2、輸送40mm2/s以下的油類,為保證泵的流量及壽命應降壓使(shǐ)用。3、輸送150mm2/s以上的油類,且進油管(guǎn)道過長,彎頭過多,泵(bèng)工作時如産生噪音或振動現象,則應考慮更換低一級轉速的電機運轉或縮短吸入管道,減少彎頭。1, delivery was 40 ~ 150 / s best oils, permitted to use according to the maximum working pressure of pump.2, transmission oil, under 40 was/s in order to ensure the pump flow and life should be used antihypertensive.3, transmission of more than 150 was/s oils, and the oil inlet pipe is too long, too much bend, such as noise or vibration phenomenon when the pump work, should consider to replace the low level of rotational speed of motor operation or shorten the suction pipe, reducing elbow. 3G型(xíng)三螺杆泵(bèng)安裝要求:3 g type three-screw pump installation requirements: 1、安裝前應檢查(chá)泵的油封是否良好,并檢查泵在運輸中是否損壞,可用手(shǒu)轉動聯軸器是否有卡勁(jìn)現象(xiàng),如(rú)有則應拆泵進(jìn)行清洗,修理和校(xiào)正。2、安裝泵的進油和(hé)排油管道時,其(qí)管徑(jìng)不得小于(yú)泵的進油和出油口(kǒu)口徑,進油管道不得過長,彎頭不得過多,否則将(jiāng)影響泵的工作狀态。3、當(dāng)有兩台以上的泵安裝在同一條主管線(xiàn)上,為便于泵的啟動,在近泵的排油管上必須安裝(zhuāng)逆止(zhǐ)閥。4、對于在(zài)較高溫度(指60℃以上)下輸送粘度(dù)大的油類(如:重油)的備用泵,必須是熱備用泵(bèng),否則泵在低溫下啟動會造成(chéng)電機過載(zǎi)或泵損(sǔn)壞。(建議在靠(kào)近泵的排油管上的逆止閥旁,并聯安裝(zhuāng)一個小回(huí)流閥,對備(bèi)用泵可微啟回流閥,使泵緩慢逆轉,其逆轉速≤100轉/分,使部分熱油經常流過(guò)泵内,達到泵熱備用目(mù)的)。5、輸(shū)送介質内含有機械(xiè)雜質。将嚴重影響泵的運(yùn)轉和(hé)降低使用壽命,因此在泵安裝前,必須仔細清除進油管内的(de)焊渣,沙(shā)粒等雜質,并應在進油管道靠近泵處安裝濾器,濾器網孔大小,可根據工作情況及介質粘度确定。(一般可用40~80目網(wǎng)),過濾面積一般不得小于進油(yóu)管橫截面(miàn)積的20倍。6、盡量在泵進油和排油口處(chù)的螺紋孔上連(lián)接壓力表和真(zhēn)空(kōng)表,以便于觀察泵的運轉狀态。7、原動機與泵的轉(zhuǎn)軸必須在同一中心(xīn)線上,可用直尺測隙規在聯軸器圓(yuán)周上間隔90°處檢查。8、原動機與(yǔ)泵的轉(zhuǎn)向必須一緻,嚴格禁止原動機驅動(dòng)泵逆轉。電機接線時,應先脫開(kāi)電機(jī)與泵的聯軸器,對電機作(zuò)試運轉。使(shǐ)其轉向與泵的轉向标志一緻。1, before installation should check whether the oil seal of the pump is good, and check the pump is damaged in transportation, turn the coupling usable hand card trouble phenomenon, if there is any should tear open pump for cleaning, repair and calibration.2, installation of pump suction and discharge of oil pipe, the pipe diameter shall not be less than the oil inlet of the pump and the oil outlet diameter, inlet pipe shall not be too long, elbow shall not too much, otherwise will affect the pump working condition.3, when more than two head of pump installed in the same line, to facilitate pump start-up, in close to the oil drain pump must be installed on a non-return valve.4, for under high temperature (above 60 ℃) conveying the viscosity of oil (such as: heavy oil) of the standby pump, it must be hot standby pump, otherwise the pump at low temperature can cause the damage of motor overload or pump.(suggest near the exhaust non-return valve on the tubing pump, a small return valve installed in parallel, differentiable and the backflow preventer to standby pump, the pump slow reversal, the reverse speed 100 r/min or less, often make some hot oil flows through the pump, to pump hot standby purposes).5, mechanical impurity is contained within the transmission medium.Will seriously affect the operation and reduce the service life of pump, so before the pump installation, must be carefully clean up the feed tube welding slag, impurities such as grains of sand, and shall be installed in the inlet pipe near the pump filter, filter mesh size, is decided according to the working condition and medium viscosity.Available (40 ~ 80 mesh net), filter area generally shall not be less than 20 times into the cross-sectional area of the tubing.6, as far as possible in the pump suction and discharge of oil on the threaded hole mouth connect pressure gauge and vacuum gauge, in order to observe the pump running state.7, prime mover and the pump shaft must be in the same center line, available ruler feeler gauge in the coupling of the circumference of a circle by 90 ° in check.8, steering engine and pump must be consistent, strictly prohibited prime motor driven pump reversal.Electrical wiring, should first release coupling of motor and pump, a test run on the motor.The steering pump and steering sign agreement. 3G型三螺杆泵的使用1、泵啟(qǐ)動前,必須(xū)全開進油和排油閘閥。2、首次啟動泵或再次使用長期封(fēng)存的泵時,泵内無介質,應在泵的進油腔灌注适量輸送介質,避免泵幹啟動。3、泵啟動後,應密切注意電流表,壓力表和真空表的數值,超出規(guī)定(dìng)值時(shí),應停泵找出(chū)原(yuán)因後,再行啟動。4、軸封處點滴洩露,應(yīng)屬正常現象,當洩露量大量增加時,對軟填料密封應壓緊填料壓蓋,對機械密封應停(tíng)泵修複後,再行(háng)啟動(dòng)。5、用高溫蒸汽清掃(sǎo)管線時,應避免高溫蒸(zhēng)汽通過泵内。6、如果泵(bèng)長期不工(gōng)作時,應進行油封,并定期檢查油封情況,必要時重新(xīn)油封。The use of 3 g type three-screw pump 1, before starting the pump, oil inlet must be fully open and oil discharge gate valve.2, start the pump for the first time or again for a long time use of the pump, the pump inside without medium, should be in the inlet of the pump cavity perfusion amount transfer medium, avoid dry start pump.3, the pump starts, should pay close attention to current meter, pressure gauge and vacuum gauge value, beyond the specified value, should stop pump after find out, start again.4, shaft sealing drip leakage, should belong to the normal phenomenon, when the leak amount of increase, the soft packing seal should be compression packing gland, to pump mechanical seal shall be shutdown after repair, start again.5, with high temperature steam cleaning pipeline, should avoid high temperature steam through the pump.6, if the pump is not working for a long time, should carry on the oil seal, and regularly check oil seal, oil seal again if necessary.
傳真:0317-8265584 E-mail:hbydby@126.com備案号:冀(jì)ICP05010751号-3