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你所在(zài)位置(zhì):首頁 - - 新聞中(zhōng)心 - 公司新聞三螺杆成品泵的水(shuǐ)壓(yā)試驗和選泵要點The hydrostatic test of three screw finished pump and pump |
發布時間:2014-11-21 8:41:35 點擊次數: |
三(sān)螺杆泵水壓試驗Hydrostatic test 我廠在成品泵完(wán)成(chéng)後,需要進行水壓試驗(yàn),在進口法(fǎ)蘭處裝入端蓋,對于(yú)45B的三(sān)螺杆(gǎn)泵,通入0.6MPa的大氣壓,把整(zhěng)個成品泵沉入水中,觀察是否有氣泡。得到泵體、後(hòu)蓋(gài)、密封壓蓋(gài)等零部件處是否因為鑄(zhù)件沙眼、密封不夠、螺絲松牙等原因漏氣。I plant after completion of the finished product pump, water pressure test is required, at the inlet flange at the load end cover, three screw pump for 45 b, ventilation with atmospheric pressure of 0.6 MPa, the entire finished product pump submerged in the water, observe whether there is a bubble.Get the pump body, back cover, gland and other parts to inquire whether because the casting trachoma, seal is not enough, due to reasons such as flat screw loose teeth. 三螺杆泵選泵要點Optional pump points ①首先應根(gēn)據油品(pǐn)的粘度選擇(zé)适當的泵(bèng)轉速(sù),以保證泵的粘(zhān)度能滿足用戶的實際吸入條件。the first select the appropriate pump speed should be based on the viscosity of the product, to ensure that the viscosity of the pump can satisfy the user's actual suction conditions. ②介質粘度V>760 /s,請與我廠聯系,我(wǒ)廠幫助(zhù)用戶選泵。 medium viscosity V > 760 / s, please contact our factory, our factory to help users choose the pump. ③從(cóng)性能表中選定泵的規格(gé)及相應粘度下的壓力流量後,可以查(chá)到泵的配套電機功率。Selected in the table (3) from the performance of the specifications of the pump and the corresponding viscosity under pressure flow, you can check the pump motor power. ④樣本安裝尺寸(cùn)均為卧式安裝(zhuāng)尺寸,若需其餘形式安裝尺寸請(qǐng)與我廠聯系。 the installation size of samples for horizontal installation size, if you need the rest of the installation dimensions form please contact with our factory. ![]() ⑤我廠可根據客戶的實際需要(yào)設計特殊(shū)尺寸。Our factory can design according to customer's actual needs special size. ⑥三螺杆泵的進口需加裝過濾(lǜ)器,過濾器(qì)過流(liú)面積應為泵(bèng)進口截(jié)面積的7~13倍,過濾目數應為:輕油80~100,潤滑油60~80目,重油40目。 pump imports to be equipped with filter, filter over-current area shall be the pump inlet area of 7 ~ 13 times, filter mesh should be followed: light oil 80 ~ 100, 60 ~ 80 mesh of lubricating oil, heavy oil 40 mesh. |